Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter in the High Country

Once again, Stan went on a business trip, and "old man winter" arrived in Flagstaff!
We received 17 inches of snow at our house, and 5 feet up at the Arizona Snow Bowl ski resort.
Arizona is welcoming the snow, as we have experienced drought conditions in the past few years.
Our snow blower was put to use by our neighbor Steve, he blew through the snow at our house and at his own. (I do think he enjoyed playing with the new toy).
Flagstaff will have a White Christmas this year.


sarah said...

17 inches! Holy cow! I saw that it was 2 degrees there Saturday but had no idea you got that much snow. Glad Dad made it home OK.

Project Man said...

Nice Update Kaneke! The house looks very festive. Thanks for taking care of things while I was away!
~ Stash

Katie said...

And, Ellen came by for a visit!

Kathy said...

I didn't realize Arizona got that much snow - ever, unless up in the mountains!