Saturday, March 17, 2007

Uncle Michaels Shoes

Ok, I admit it, I am a saver. Kitchen gadgets, shoes, purses, greeting cards, baby clothes. I am not alone in this addiction, Stan the Man is also a saver. Nuts, bolts, screws, electrical wire, fuses, tools, if you need it, he has it, & can fix it.

I found a box recently, labeled Michael & Melissa, baby clothes. Oh the treasures it held, tiny crocheted hat and sweater and bibs,& shoes, a tiny yellow pair of flip flops with pink stripes, (remember Melissa was born in Hawaii), Brownie and Cub scout uniforms,an orange Fisher Price radio with the song "My Name is Michael". That little radio has earned a place on Connor's changing table, & I crank it up when it is changing time.

The baby model is wearing Uncle Michael's shoes,they are 29 on the 29th! The golden birthday.

There is more in this Pandora's box!


Katie said...

How sweet. I was just about to pitch some of my stuffed animals today and had a change of heart for the same reason.

Kathy said...


I too am a saver (of course other people have different names for my addition) I gave baby clothes, shoes, toys and blankets to both Kurt and Kevin when I was cleaning out one time. Kurt's kids have worn some of them. Kraig wore Kurt's monogrammed bathrobe from when he was around 2. Brings back memories doesn't it?

Kathy said...

Make that addiction!!

sarah said...

Too cute!

Katie said...

Happy Birthay Big Mike!!